Our Story
Giving hope through the threads of grace.
Larry and Mary have been blessed with work and travel in a variety of industries and places over the last 25 years that have taken them from Stockholm, Sweden to Vancouver, to Denver, to Atlanta and finally here in St. Augustine! A retail store ministry was never in their plans, but little did they know of the plans God had for them with Two Sparrows. Two Sparrows was born from the scripture Matthew 10:29 “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care?” This journey began shortly after being humbled by a series of events, include Hurricane Mathew where most of their possessions were lost, but their journey with God was getting a new start.
Larry and Mary live on Anastasia Island in St. Augustine, and with their daughter’s Caitlin and Hannah recently graduating college they devote much of their time looking for more ways to connect God’s Kingdom to be a light using purpose driven strategies, cause-driven vendors, and providing a central Prayer and Praise chapel in the middle of their store that has had over 4,000 visitors in 2018 alone.
Two Sparrows Mission – To provide a Christ-centered, unique shopping experience where you are encouraged and inspired to find your own personal style, being motivated to raise awareness that we are all created for a purpose.
Two Sparrows exists to make a positive impact on our community through the threads of grace, that come from faith.

Faith [fāTH] – complete trust or confidence. “Beautiful threads of grace, are woven through life, in times of rejoicing, as well as through suffering”.
Grace [grās] – simple elegance or refinement of movement and the unearned favor of God